On 17 August 2010 19:50, Rein Henrichs <r...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> Excerpts from Paul Nasrat's message of Tue Aug 17 06:40:42 -0700 2010:
>> The EC2 fact is completely broken at the moment:
>> * Timeout::Error isn't caught by rescue (due to how it inherits)
>> * The issue of wrong open semantics outlined here, this is causing hidden 
>> immediate failure
>> * The fact is going to cause a 2 second wait to every facter run
>> Whilst the following patch fixes the first two, I'm not sure we want to take
>> the timeout hit, we also want to add tests as even simple ruby code can get
>> logic errors such as the open().
> Paul,
> The third issue ( the timeout hit ) is currently somewhat systematic in
> Facter. That is, a number of fact files do computationally expensive
> things at load time to then generate facts. The EC2 fact is just the
> most flagrant of these.
> While it's obviously important that we fix the EC2 fact's behavior,
> I think we should also consider ways to mitigate this load-time cost.

Sure. I think it's an important enough platform that we should fix the
bug for 1.5.8 - it's been hanging around for a while, I even talked
about it at last puppet camp about why you should test your facts.

> Of course, structured data is a ways down the time line, and a 2 second
> delay in all Facter runs -- even if the EC2 fact is never called --
> adversely affects Facter's apparent performance. Would it make sense to
> package the EC2 facts separately somehow? How else can we get rid of
> this performance hit?

There is some discussion in the bug if you look at that.


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