On 10 May 2011 01:39, Nigel Kersten <ni...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> Facter 1.5.9rc6 is a maintenance release containing fixes and updates.
> The keen-eyed observers amongst you will notice it's been a month since our
> last RC5 of Facter 1.5.9, which is most certainly not our normal process.
> We simply missed the "release after 7 days of no new bugs" step, and have
> since set up a reminder system to make sure that poor Facter, the Cinderella
> of the Puppet family, doesn't get left cleaning the sooty hearth over and
> over again while her ugly sisters head off to Amsterdam for the Puppet Ball
> (EU) in search of a handsome prince.

Best release note ever :)

On the other hand - anyone interested in taking on more of a role in
facter maintenance? Some handome prince (or princess) with the right


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