Hi Lee,

Glad to here that you are interested in collaborating.

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Lee Thompson <lthomp...@morphlabs.com>wrote:

> We've been developing puppet manifests for the Essex release of
> OpenStack including nova, keystone, glance and swift.

Did you fork the exiting modules?


This is the original set of modules for glance and nova that had
originally targeted against diablo. Over the next week, I am hoping to
merge patches so that they will also support essex.


I have been most recently been working on swift. I think it should be in a
releasable state pretty soon.


I had not yet put much time into keystone.

>  So far it is
> working well on the early releases of Ubuntu 12.04 apt packages.  Is
> there interest in us merging the code as a branch in puppetlabs/puppet-
> openstack.

I am definitely interested, and look forward to working with you on this.

> We have no problem signing the contribution license.

You can do this by creating a redmine account:

>  If
> there is interest, it might make sense to add a "essex" branch in
> puppetlabs/puppet-openstack git repo.

I was planning on just assuming that master is essex for now (or until it
makes sense to start developing against the next version)

> Look forward to your feedback.

Feel free to ping me as bodepd on irc to talk more when you get a chance.

>  Lee

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