So, I'm chiming in to say that I completely agree with Reid and Ashley.

As an end user, I want to hand off code that is clear and relatively easy
to read. I definitely do not want magic symbols (or I would have stuck with

I'm OK with all of the concepts proposed but I would like more verbosity
and clarity as opposed to more 'elegance' and mystery.



On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Ashley Penney <
> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Reid Vandewiele <>
> wrote:
>> I am concerned that adding additional operators to the language does in
>> fact take something away. As such, I do think that proposals to do so need
>> to require a very strong argument in order to proceed.
>> When I go out and introduce new teams of sysadmins to Puppet, the fact *in
>> vacuo* that we have our own domain-specific language is anything but a
>> strength. One of the top initial objections to Puppet today is that large
>> teams will not be able, or will not want, to learn a new, complex language.
>> What sets us apart from competitors like Chef, from scripting alternatives,
>> is the simplicity and apparent intuitive design of our DSL. The fact that
>> it is more akin to a configuration file than to a procedural program. That
>> a sysadmin can look at a Puppet manifest and usually figure out the basics
>> of what it does and even modify it without needing a training course or a
>> pocket reference. Every operator that is added to the language has the
>> potential to take away from that, and so absolutely needs to be approached
>> as a design decision focused on the end-user experience.
>> We need the ability to better transform structured data into resources.
>> From an end-user experience perspective (setting aside implementation
>> considerations) I much prefer the idea of using a hash directly over
>> introducing a new operator. The difference would be the two examples shown
>> below.
>> Proposed operator (proposed):
>> $x.each |$title, $attributes| { file { $title: * => $attributes } }
>> Formal hash treatment (my preferred):
>> $x.each |$title, $attributes| { file { $title: $attributes } }
>> If we introduce a new operator it should be a user-experience design
>> decision, not an implementation decision. If the preferred design cannot be
>> implemented due to technical constraints that's something we have to deal
>> with. But I hope that we're arriving at decisions to introduce new
>> operators as part of an intentional end-user experience focused design.
>> The fact that we have a DSL is not a strength. The fact that it is simple
>> and intuitive to practitioners in this space, is.
> I've been unable to articulate my concerns with the current language
> discussions but I think Reid has done a good enough job that I feel
> comfortable contributing.  It seems like all the talk is now about the
> "Puppet language" instead of the "DSL" and this is, in my opinion, a
> mistake.
> We seem to be trying to build a general purpose language that is powerful
> enough to write other things in, such as functions, types and providers,
> etc.  We already have languages for those and I don't think that we can
> build a better language internally than these external languages.
> As a member of the module team I honestly haven't understood a large part
> of the proposed enhancements over the last year, or really understood the
> need for them.  There seems to be a bit of a disconnect between people who
> write modules and people who like languages in a lot of the conversations.
> Some enhancements, like improvements to defaults, make sense.  Things like
> putting resources into $a and then being able to do things with them just
> make the DSL much more difficult to teach, reason able, and expose to
> systems administrators.  I too prefer the hash to a * operator, it's
> follows the patterns of the DSL that we've been using for years and (to my
> non-developer brain) makes more sense.
> I've tried to raise these concerns in the past but I've done a bad job of
> talking to platform people about it.  I think that the separation between
> people building the language and people writing the modules has the
> potential to do us a lot of harm.  At the very least all these language
> proposals and suggestions and syntax changes should come with "real
> production code" examples that show how you solve it today and how this
> proposed change leads to a more elegant situation for actual puppet users
> because right now it seems to be happening in isolation from the people
> using it to build things.
> --
> Ashley Penney
> Module Engineer
> *Join us at PuppetConf 2014**, September 23-24 in San Francisco
> - <>*
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Trevor Vaughan
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