On 11/04/2014 01:04 PM, Andy Parker wrote:
>     It would also provide at lot more confidence that a manifest is 4x
>     safe
>     if it passes `puppet parser validate`.  Without that you'd have to
>     worry
>     about conditional expressions silently changing their result
>     between 3x
>     and 4x.
> The error would have to be at runtime, so puppet parser validate would
> not uncover these kinds of issues (except perhaps in trivial cases
> where it could be done). I have an experiment for creating a type
> inference system, but it is no where near complete enough to be a
> static type analysis system for puppet 4, and even then it would have
> to give up in far too many cases without yet more changes to the language.
Your absolutely right but  `puppet master --compile  localhost
--manifest manifests/role/db.pp` would work.  Similarly, rspec-puppet
tests would catch an exception from building the catalog even if there
isn't coverage of the expression result.  Perhaps an option could be
added to the parser face to eval expressions?



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