for what it's worth:

for a while I was experimenting with cucumber to test scripts running
on linux machines. And yes , IMHO it is the way to go .

It worked well with the behavior testing just a you guys described.
still just as in regular development, bdd can be complemented with
The way i did the tdd, was by using the exit codes of the shell
commands. I created an abstraction in ruby for execute (local, remote)
and  upload, download of files.

If the command did not have exit 0 (the default) then i imagined the
test being failed.
Using snapshots of the virtual machines, I ran the scripts against a
virtual machine  (used virtualbox), with the ability to do a rollback.
I know this is not the way puppet normally operates, but I used the
(if i recall correctly) the puppetrun command to execute it and see
what happened
If all of these exit codes where ok (similar to unit tests), i ran the
bdd tests to see if everything was correct.

By integrating the tdd, and the bdd within a CI-system, I was able to
have it run continuously and rebuild the system over and over again.

Another thing I want to mention is that you can easily abstract
commands in a custom dsl, but I really like to see what actual
commands got executed.
This is slightly off topic maybe, but by logging/running the actual
commands and have the whole environment build like that (including
making a floppy, booting the vms)
it allowed me to create a kind of install document with the actual
commands instead of pointing to a newly invented DSL.
So I say yes to an abstraction layer, but no to hiding the actual

just my 2 c

On Nov 6, 3:56 pm, Lindsay Holmwood <> wrote:
> 2009/11/6 Martin Englund <>:
> > Folks,
> > I've been struggling a bit with how we're using puppet (at my job):
> > how do you validate that puppet has done what it is supposed to, and
> > even troublesome, how you validate that it has done what you intended
> > it to do?
> > Since I'm the only one who is writing the puppet profiles and working
> > with it on a daily basis, I'm the only one who can decipher the puppet
> > logs. I often get the question: how do we know when the system is
> > ready for production?
> > I've been playing around[1] with cucumber & webrat, and have pieced
> > together a way to do behavior driven infrastructure testing. Puppet
> > takes care of getting the system configured correctly, but there are
> > often other pieces involved, like opening firewall ports, adding DNS
> > entries, sendmail routing, etc. Which must be done outside of puppet
> > to get the system ready for release.
> > When you write code, you always use unit testing & integration testing
> > to verify that the application is working as expected, but why don't
> > we use that when we install a system?
> > What are you using to verify that your system is correctly configured
> > and behaves the way you want?
> > [1] <>
> [although i've commented on the excellent blog entry, i'm posting here]
> Hi Martin,
> It looks like there's a bit of crossover here with a project i've been
> working on the last few months called cucumber-nagios[0]. It takes the
> result of a Cucumber run and outputs it in the Nagios plugin format.
> Essentially you use it to express your intentions in plain language,
> and verify your intentions periodically through your monitoring
> system. Just like what you've posted about. :-)
> Anyhow, I spoke about cucumber-nagios at the excellent Devopsdays in
> Belgium last weekend, and I got talking with people about expanding
> the library of steps to cover things like logins over SSH, file
> manipulation, and mail delivery. It would be cool if we could
> centralise our efforts and focus on building an awesome library of
> reusable steps to test our infrastructure.
> Your point about doing behaviour driven development when writing
> software is right on the mark. From an infrastructure perspective, I
> like to think of Cucumber as the testing tool, and Puppet as the
> programming language.
> Anyhow, i'd be interested to hear what other people think about this idea!
> Cheers,
> Lindsay
> [0]
> --
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