Kenton Brede wrote:

> I searched through old messages and didn't see that this had been
> addressed.  I can see people wanting facter to report the minor
> version and others wanting just the major release number.  The way it
> stands I'll need to change every operatingystemrelease variable, each
> time a new minor version come out.  That's a pain I don't need.  So
> I'll work around this by creating my own fact.  Having two variables
> for the OS release seems to me a good choice.  Just my 2 cents.

You could use the regsubst() function to mangle $operatingsystemrelease
into just the major version.  Something like this:

     $osmajor = regsubst($operatingsystemrelease, '([^.]*)[.].*', '\1')

That may be simpler than having a custom fact for it.



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