I'm running into a problem with trying to get both an rpm and a gem
installed that have the same name. Predictably, this is the mysql

Currently my mysql class's look like:

class mysql {

    service { 'mysql':
        ensure => 'running',
        enable => true

    user { 'mysql':
        shell => '/bin/bash',
        home => '/var/lib/mysql',
        ensure => 'present',
        comment => 'MySQL database admin'

    group { 'mysql':
        ensure => 'present'

    $dependencies = $operatingsystem ? {
        sles    => [ "mysql", ],

    package { "MySQLServer":
        ensure   => present,
        name     => $dependencies,


class mysql::gem {

    include rubygems

    $gems_needed = ['mysql',]

    package { "MySQLGems":
        name     => $gems_needed,
        ensure   => present,
        provider => gem,


That is an attempt to get both the package and the gem included

The error that puppet gives me is:
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError:
Cannot alias Package[MySQLGems] to mysql; resource Package[mysql]
already exists at /etc/puppet/modules/mysql/manifests/init.pp:59 on node

Any help in figuring out a way to achieve the installation (and
management) of both the rpm package and the ruby gem would be greatly

Matt Delves
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