On 2010-05-19 11:59, R.I.Pienaar wrote:

it's not exactly your use case, but there's a lot of milage to be
had by just creating
a query interface for puppet into your customer db and using that..

pseudo code alert:

node foo {
  include virtual_web_hosts

class virtual_web_hosts {
    $websites = websites_for($fqdn)

    create_node_vhosts{$websites: }

inside your define you use a query_cust_db function to pull out
properties for each vhost.

Sure, but then you don't really have any need for the external
node classifier, since then you can just as well, and much easier,
write 'node default { include virtual_web_hosts }' in site.pp...

I can certainly see the utility of external nodes, even with today's
limitations, but there *are* severe limitations, and in many cases it
is a huge overkill.  For the systems I manage, I can't really find
anything that external nodes solves that I can't do just as easy with
the normal Puppet DSL, especially now that we have regexp nodes.


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