I've setup something where I put a grants file in the data directory
of each database:

      remotefile {"$db_datadir/grants":
         mode     => 500,
         source   => "db/$db_name/data/grants",
         require  => File["${db_datadir}"],
         notify   => Exec["refresh_${db_name}"]

this file contains...grants, ala:

delete from mysql.user where not(user='root' and host='localhost');

grant select on mydb.* to 'imyuser'@'%' identified by PASSWORD
<additional grants as needed>

flush privileges

from there every time puppet is run it dumps all grants and does an
md5 hash.  if the hash is ever different from the previously computed
hash (stored in a file), it reapplies the grants.  Basically if
anybody makes a manual change it will get reverted next puppet run.
hopefully someone doesn't poke a hole in my logic here, but it seems
to work fine for me.  The only change I've been thinking I should put
in is having the initial 'delete' and final 'flush' statements part of
the actual puppet class instead of in each grants file.  it'd be

      # generate a hash from the grants table.  if it's different than
the hash generated last time
      # notify so grants table gets refreshed.
      # this will backout changes made manually!
      $grants_sel = "'select user,host,password from mysql.user order
by user,host;'"

      exec {"echo ${grants_sel} | ${mysql_bin}/mysql -S ${db_socket} |
md5sum > ${db_datadir}/grants.hash":
         onlyif      => "test -S ${db_socket}",
         unless      => "echo ${grants_sel} | ${mysql_bin}/mysql -S $
{db_socket} | md5sum | diff - ${db_datadir}/grants.hash",
         notify   => Exec["refresh_${db_name}"]

      # refresh only on grants file change.  gets notified by grants
file being changed
      # NOTE  --force means it will apply statements even if a
previous one has a syntax error
      # without all lines are applied until the syntax error and lines
after are not
      exec {"${mysql_bin}/mysql --force -S ${db_socket} < $db_datadir/
         alias       => "refresh_${db_name}",
         refreshonly => true,
         onlyif      => "test -S ${db_socket}",

On May 19, 7:56 am, dbs <dbelfershev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We need to make sure all our MySQL servers have a specific user /
> password / grant setup available (this is because we use centralized
> monitoring via Zenoss, and Zenoss needs a login on all the servers).
> I found a github reference to a package that might do it 
> (http://github.com/camptocamp/puppet-mysql) but I can't understand
> what it is, how it works, or even what to do with it.
> How would folks recommend implementing this functionality?
> (Talking about perhaps 40 database servers)
>   -d
> --
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