On 2010-05-28 15:19, ed-rfmd wrote:

             package { "libXp-32bit":
                 provider =>  rpm,
                 source   =>  "$kickstart/ICAClient/RHEL5/
                 ensure   =>  installed,

             package { "openmotif-32bit":
                 provider =>  rpm,
                 source   =>  "$kickstart/ICAClient/RHEL5/
                 ensure   =>  installed,
                 require  =>  Package["libXp-32bit"],

Why is it attempting to install libXp again? Shouldn't the ensure =>
installed prevent that from happening? Or does it have something to do
with the fact it is a duplicate package name but with a different

Because the package type uses the name you have specified to see
if the package is already installed.  The packages are not really
named "libXp-32bit" and "openmotif-32bit", are they?  They are
more likely named "libXp.i386" and "openmotif.i386"; use that as
package names, and it should work better.


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