On Jul 6, 2010, at 6:40 AM, Christian Casar wrote:

> Well, how do I use the content of a variable in regex?
> $username = "user1"
> file {  "userdata.tar.bz2":
>                source => "puppet://$server/modules/$module/
> userdata.tar.bz2",
>                ensure => $users ? {
>                                /$username/ => absent,
>                                default => present,
>                        },
> }
> $users is a custom fact that contains all local users:
> users => at avahi bin daemon dnsmasq ftp games haldaemon lp mail
> messagebus nobody ntp polkituser postfix pulse root sshd suse uuidd
> wwwrun man news uucp puppet user1
> When I hardcode "user1" into the regex my test works fine and the file
> is removed.
> But things like /$variable/ or /\$variable/ or /#{variable}/ just
> don't work.
> Is it even possible in version 0.25.4?

Try changing #{variable} to ${variable}

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