On Wed, 15 Sep 2010, Nigel Kersten wrote:
> Does 'type --all asdf' do the right thing on SunOS ?

According to IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition, "type" does not take
any options.  Anyway, on Solaris-5.8:

for shell in /bin/sh /usr/xpg4/bin/sh /bin/ksh /usr/local/bin/bash ;
do echo "[$shell]"; ${shell} -c 'type --all asdf; echo status=$?' ;
--all not found
asdf not found
asdf not found
asdf not found
/usr/local/bin/bash: line 0: type: asdf: not found

On NetBSD-5.99.27:

for shell in /bin/sh /bin/ksh /usr/pkg/bin/bash ;
do echo "[$shell]"; ${shell} -c 'type --all asdf; echo status=$?' ;
type: Illegal option --
/bin/ksh: whence: --: unknown option
/usr/pkg/bin/bash: line 0: type: asdf: not found

I have seen systems where "type" prints a message about "command not
found" (or words to that effect) but sets exit status 0 as if it had
been successful.  I have found that "command -v" does the right thing
on the same system.  Unfortunately, my notes from the time I noticed
this don't say which system had the problem, but I think it was AIX or

Compare the POSIX description of the
exit status for "type" and "command" at
<http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/type.html> and
For "type" exit status >0 means "an error occurred", while for "command"
exit status >0 means "the command_name could not be found or an error

What I take from the POSIX spec is that one could argue either way about
whether or not it's an error for the "type" command to report that a
target command does not exist; but for the "command -v" command it's
clear that nonexistence of the target command should result in non-zero
exit status.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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