On Oct 26, 2010, at 8:17 AM, Maciej Skrzetuski wrote:

> Well if I do this:
> fileserver.conf (default):
> # Define a section 'files'
> # Adapt the allow/deny settings to your needs. Order
> # for allow/deny does not matter, allow always takes precedence
> # over deny
> # [files]
> #  path /var/lib/puppet/files
> #  allow *.example.com
> #  deny *.evil.example.com
> #  allow
> And my file status.dat is in /etc/puppet/modules/webspheremq/files on
> the master.
> And the class is configured like that:
> file { "/tmp/status.dat":
>                source => "puppet://master/modules/webspheremq/files/
> status.dat"
>        }
> Then I get s.th. new from my master /var/log/messages:
> Oct 26 17:09:53 i11936 puppetmasterd[16999]: (//webspheremq/File[/tmp/
> status.dat]) Failed to retrieve current state of resource: Could not
> retrieve information from source(s) 
> puppet://master/modules/webspheremq/files/status.dat
> at /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/webspheremq.pp:25
> I don't understand this error. What information, from what source?

When you use "puppet://" the file is not sent in the manifest.  It's saying it 
can't get the file using the puppet protocol.

This is happening because I made a typo in my example.  The "files" part of the 
path shouldn't be there.  Also, there is no need to tell puppet which server to 
get the file from.

Try 'puppet:///modules/webspheremq/status.dat' instead.

Note: Using 3 slashes in a row tells the client to get the file from the same 
location as the manifest.

> On 26 Okt., 15:56, Patrick <kc7...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 26, 2010, at 3:03 AM, Maciej Skrzetuski wrote:
>>> Hello there,
>>> I am very new to puppet and tried to copy some files (namely /etc/
>>> puppet/manifests/files/websphermq/status.dat [on master] to /tmp/
>>> status.dat [on puppet]) from master to the puppets. My setup is as
>>> follows:
>>> Puppet 0.25.5
>>> fileserver.conf:
>>> [webspheremq]
>>> path /etc/puppet/manifests/files/webspheremq
>>> allow *
>>> Definition in class:
>>> file { "/tmp/status.dat":
>>>                source => "puppet://<hostname of my puppetmaster>/
>>> webspheremq/status.dat"
>>>        }
>>> I am getting the following error:
>>> What is the problem here? What is file_metadata? Is this folder
>>> suppose to exist on my master?
>> I don't know what's wrong.  That folder doesn't need to be created.  It's 
>> possible you have a permissions problem.
>> Can't you just use the default path created by modules like this:
>> *) Remove that section from fileserver.conf.
>> *) Put the file at /etc/puppet/modules/webspheremq/files/status.dat
> -- 
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