On 02/08/2011 07:59 AM, Joe Gross wrote:
> I think I solved my own problem. Now things look like this. I can still
> do specific node overrides, but this seems to do what I'm hoping for.
> If there's a better way to do this sort of thing I'm happy to be corrected.
> class general {
>   include dsh
>   include getty
>   include grub
>   include ntp
>   include postfix
>   include ssh
>   include sudo
>   include sysadmin
> }
> node default {
>   $role = inline_template('<%= hostname.sub(/\w+-([a-z]+)\d*/){$1} %>')
>   include general
> }


Yes, this is currently possible and (I believe) quite common. While I
appreciate your cfengine background, this way of thinking may well get
you stuck rubbing puppet wrong forever, though.

Puppet leans (IMO) more strongly towards a loose architecture, making
decisions at mixed granularities, such as

if $virtual == "physical" { include ssh }

at some central place in your manifests, and making more such choices
*inside* the ssh class as well.

You may even want to replace your role semantics by a collection of
custom facts you install on all your boxes that will explain puppet what
to do.

Just my 2c


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