On 2011-03-02 02:50, Eric Sorenson wrote:

(Sorry for responding late; I'm a bit behind in reading puppet-users
and puppet-dev.)

> Hi - I've searched around and haven't found anyone who's implemented
> a type+provider for configuring network interfaces in puppet.  Does
> anyone have such a thing already running that's just not on forge /
> github? I found some prior art (aside from the old 'interface' type
> which was deleted in 0.24) but most people seem to use definitions +
> templates which isn't a good "first class citizen" solution.  
> I and other puppet hackers around my organization worked up a strawman
> proposal that we thought would be a reasonable interface and I figured
> I would float it by the list. Obviously it's a complicated beast but
> this would be great functionality to have in puppet. I'll update  
> https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/3153 with the results of the
> discussion here and maybe we can get some traction on it.

> ### basic examples
> networkinterface { "eth0":
>   ensure    => enabled,
>   bootproto => dhcp,    # required for DHCP/BOOTP, optional for static
>   hwaddr    => "00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee"
> }
> networkinterface { "eth0":
>   ensure      => "enabled",  # sets ONBOOT=true, causes ifup refresh
>   hwaddr      => "00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee"
>   ipaddress   => "",
>   netmask     => "",
>   gateway     => "",
> }

The basic seems OK.  A few comments, questions and discussion points:

- What does the hwaddr parameter do?  I guess that it corresponds to
  the HWADDR setting in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* on
  RedHat:ish systems, and not the MACADDR setting?  I.e. it will be
  used to select which interface is eth0, not the set the MAC address
  of eth0?  I hope it is supposed to be an optional parameter, so we
  don't have to write 'hwaddr => $macaddress_eth0' on every interface

- It would be nice to be able to specify the netmask as either a proper
  netmask (i.e. like or as a number of bits (i.e. 24).

- It would be nice to be able to specify the IP address and netmask
  in one parameter using CIDR notation, i.e:

      networkinterface {
          "eth0": ipaddress => "";
          "eth1": ipaddress => "";

- The gateway parameter is optional, I suppose?

- I would like the ensure parameter to be split into two: 'ensure => up',
  'ensure => down' or 'ensure => dontcare' to specify which state the
  interface should be in right now, and 'onboot => true' or 'onboot =>
  false' to specify if it should be brought up when the machine boots.
  (Exact names of the parameters and values is not so important.)

- There is also a need to be able to configure an interface as up (and
  onboot=true) but without setting any network parameters.  I need it
  on some of my multihomed Xen dom0 machines, where the dom0 itself
  should only use eth1, but the guests need a connection via eth0.  If
  I bring down eth0, my guests lose their network...  In the definition
  I'm using now, I use 'bootproto => unconfigured, onboot => true,
  ensure => up', but I'm not married to that particular spelling.

- And here's a big discussion point: IPv6.  One can use different
  address assignment methods for IPv4 and IPv6 for the same interface.
  On IPv6 it is also common to have several addresses on each interface.
  I don't really have any ideas here, though; we are only just now
  starting to look at IPv6, I'm afraid...

> ### vlan example 
> networkinterface { "vlan201":
>   ensure      => "enabled",
>   ipaddress   => "",
>   netmask     => "",
>   gateway     => "",
>   vlantag     => "201",   # 1 through 4096
>   physicaldev => "eth0",  # parent device, need this or hwaddr
>   # not too happy about this, but IMO the yum 'enablerepo' example 
>   # shows there is a need to pass arbitrary provider-specific args
>   # i.e. the RH sysvinit provider would turn " " to \n and
>   # drop these into the network-scripts file.
>   # This particular option enables '/dev/vlan201' instead of '/dev/eth0.201'
> }

The extra_opts parameter is a good idea.  I would suggest that you
should specifiy it as an array of options, like this:

    extra_opts => [ "VLAN_NAME_TYPE=VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD",
                    "PEERNTP=NO" ]

I don't have any specific comments on the VLAN stuff, though.

> ### bonding example - master interface with two slaves 
> networkinterface { "bond0":
>   ensure      => "enabled",
>   ipaddress   => "",
>   netmask     => "",
>   gateway     => "",
>   # rather than support a crapload of attributes like "bond_mode => 
> active_backup",
>   # use the new-style BONDING_OPTS variable
>   extra_opts => "BONDING_OPTS='mode=active-backup arp_interval=60 
> arp_ip_target='"
> }
> # slave interfaces for the bond
> networkinterface { "eth0":
>   ensure      => enabled,
>   bond_master => bond0,
> }
> networkinterface  { "eth1":
>   ensure      => enabled,
>   bond_master => bond0,
> }

The only comment I have on bonding, is to think about terminology.
I believe the official Ethernet name is "aggregation", while Linux
calls it "bonding", and HP use "trunking".

> ### ip aliases 
> # this requires a unique namevar so you couldn't model solaris
> # or iproute2-style secondary addresses without composite keys
> networkinterface { "bge0:1":
>   ensure    => enabled,
>   ipaddress => "",
>   netmask   => "",
>   gateway   => "",
> }

Iproute2-style secondary addresses probably ties into how one
should configure IPv6 addresses.


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