Hello list,

I have a situation where if I have a hosts file generated by exported
resources it does not trigger a service restart unlike if it was
subscribing on a file that gets copied over via puppet. An example
would explain it better.

it should be noted that exported resources work fine.

class dnsmasq {
  file { "/etc/hosts":
        owner   => "root",
        group   => "root",
        mode    => "644",
        source  => "puppet:///modules/dnsmasq/hosts",


  service { dnsmasq:
        ensure     => running,
        enable     => true,
        pattern    => "dnsmasq",
        subscribe  => File["/etc/dnsmasq.conf","/etc/dnsmasq-
        hasrestart => true,

So with the above if i change the file on the master then it will push
out to all hosts that include the dnsmasq class and restart the
dnsmasq service, all is good.

How ever if I generate the data using exported resources nothing

Below doesn't work

class dnsmasq {
  Host<<| tag == "all_hosts" |>>

  service { dnsmasq:
        ensure     => running,
        enable     => true,
        pattern    => "dnsmasq",
        subscribe  => File["/etc/dnsmasq.conf","/etc/dnsmasq-
        hasrestart => true,

// seperate class with /etc/hosts defined
class hosts {
  file { "/etc/hosts":
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    mode    => "644",

  host { 'localhost':
    ip => '',
    host_aliases => 'localhost.localdomain',
  ... a few default hosts...

So my issue is that on all machines the hosts files are managed fine,
however on my internal dns servers that collect all the IPs of all
machines in the network whilst collecting the hosts files fine, the
dnsmasq service is never restarted, meaning i need to log into each
machine and manually restart dnsmasq to pick up the changes after a
new host is added to the system.

Any ideas?


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