On Jun 10, 2011, at 4:10 PM, Sans wrote:

> Dear all,
> This is my script in the bash: how can I put it into  puppet?
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> CONF_DIR="/var/mom_priv"
> CPU_COUNT=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep siblings | uniq | cut -d\  -f2`
> ideal_load_var=$(echo "scale=2; ${CPU_COUNT}+0.5" | bc)
> max_load_var=$(echo "scale=2; ${CPU_COUNT}*1.2" | bc)
> if [ -d "${CONF_DIR}" ]; then
> cat << EOF > ${CONF_DIR}/config
> \$ideal_load ${ideal_load_var}
> \$max_load ${max_load_var}
> fi
> All I wann do is: Get the CPU_COUNT and then if  CONF_DIR exists, make sure  
> "$CONF_DIR/config" is present with the above lines. How should I write that 
> for puppet? Cheers!!

I don't have a lot of time, but I can get you started.

Puppet way:
1) Create a File resource that creates the config directory.

2) Run "facter" at the command line and look for the name of the variable that 
tells how many processors the computer has.  That variable will exist when the 
catalog is compiled as a variable.

3) Use a template with File to create your config file.

Quicker way: (Not reccomended)
1) Copy that script to the computer using "File".
2) Run the script using Exec.

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