On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 07:48:50PM -0700, Ashley Gould wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 06:13:52PM +0100, Ken Barber wrote:
> > Certainly works for me in a simplified example ... can you simplify
> > your example so it just does a notify?
> > 
> > class firewall_extras (
> >    $services   = undef,
> > ) {
> >   notify { "msg": message => $services }
> > }
> > 
> > class myfirewall {
> >   class { "firewall_extras": services => $::firewall_services }
> > }
> > 

Ok, I did finally get a basic parameterized class to work from
dashboard ENC:

class firewall_extras($tcp_ports) {
  notify { "msg": message => $tcp_ports, }

class firewall_wrapper {
    class { "firewall_extras": tcp_ports => $::fw_tcp_ports, }


/usr/share/puppet-dashboard/bin/external_node unxslet01.ucop.edu
name: unxslet01.ucop.edu
  fw_tcp_ports: 22 9080 3000
- firewall_wrapper
- common::suse

unxslet01:~ # puppet agent -t
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Loading facts in adinfo
info: Loading facts in adinfo
info: Caching catalog for unxslet01.ucop.edu
info: Applying configuration version '1308273566'
notice: 22 9080 3000
notice: /Stage[main]/Firewall_extras/Notify[msg]/message: defined 'message' as 
'22 9080 3000'
notice: Finished catalog run in 7.64 seconds

But what I really want is to use a param class to override variables in
a base class.  Below is a stripped version.  the value for the param
I set in dashboard shows up in the override class but never makes it
to the base class.

# Base class
class firewall {

    define firewall_conf (
        $fw_services_ext_tcp = "22"
    ) {
        file { "/etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2":
            content => template("firewall/SuSEfirewall2.erb"),
        notify { "msg1": message => $fw_services_ext_tcp, }

    # Implement default firewall setup
    firewall_conf {"default": }


# Override class
class firewall_override ( $tcp_ports ) inherits firewall {

    # modify default firewall setup
    Firewall::Firewall_conf["default"] {
        fw_services_ext_tcp   => $tcp_ports,
    notify { "msg0": message => $tcp_ports, }

# Wrapper class for Dashboard
class firewall_wrapper {
    class { "firewall_override": tcp_ports => $::fw_tcp_ports, }

/usr/share/puppet-dashboard/bin/external_node unxslet01.ucop.edu
name: unxslet01.ucop.edu
  fw_tcp_ports: 22 9080 3000
- firewall_wrapper
- common::suse
- firewall

unxslet01:~ # puppet agent -t
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Loading facts in adinfo
info: Loading facts in adinfo
info: Caching catalog for unxslet01.ucop.edu
info: Applying configuration version '1308273896'
notice: 22 9080 3000
notice: /Stage[main]/Firewall_extras/Notify[msg]/message: defined 'message' as 
'22 9080 3000'
notice: 22
defined 'message' as '22'
notice: Finished catalog run in 6.76 seconds

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