Don't know exactly what you are looking for, but you may be interested in which is tooling for puppet development - editor with syntax coloring, cross-reference checking, module-dependency checking, etc.

As Geppetto contains its own parser that creates a model of puppet (and modules) it is possible to answer all sorts of questions about a configuration. Maybe some of what you are looking for is already there, or could be easily added (I am all ears for suggestions - not to mention happy about contributions).

- henrik

On 8/11/11 9:32 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:
I am looking for a method to parse the entire set of puppet manifests/
modules.  For example I want to see a list of all packages that I am
managing with puppet.  I have seen the compile option, but this only
gives me a particular node's point of view.  While I could just scrape
all of the manifest files for this information with grep, etc., there
must be something in the puppet code base I could plug into??


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