Some of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers in our environment
sometimes get assigned virtual IP addresses (eth0:1, eth0:2, etc).

Puppet Dashboard's parameters seem like an ideal way to define and
provision virtual IPs on these servers. One could create a "vip1"
parameter on a node, and define a value of the IP address to use for
that vip. A manifest could then be written to create the necessary /
etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:<vip#> file, plugging in the
IP address appropriately and brining up the interface when it's done.
This could then be repeated for vip2 ... vipX.

How might this work for an arbitrary number of vips?

I don't want to create unnecessary placeholder parameters (vip2 = nil,
for example).

I'd rather not create a single "vips" parameter with a list of virtual
IPs either (vips =,,


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