
I am trying to convince aptitude update to run only when a file
changes in /etc/apt/sources.list.d:

exec {
      command     => "/usr/bin/aptitude update",
      subscribe     => "$basedir/sources.list.d",
      refreshonly   => true;
  File { owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644' }
  file {
      ensure => directory;
      purge   => true,
      recurse => true,
      ensure  => directory;
define apt::source ($deb_type, $url, $dist, $opt, $ensure) {
  include apt
  file {
      content => "#$name\n$deb_type $url $dist $opt\n\n",
      ensure  => $ensure;

and then, from another module:
  apt::source {
      deb_type => "deb",
      url      => "http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports";,
      dist     => "squeeze-backports",
      opt      => "main",
      ensure   => present;

however, when I run this on a target system, puppet generates
the .list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d but forgets to schedule a
run of aptitude update.
I tried some different approaches:
remove the subscribe line from the exec and add a notify =>
Exec['aptitude-update']; to the apt::source definition, however, that
results to a depency loop to my surprise (the loop seems to be related
to the package ensure => latest objects, elsewhere...

so, what would be the best way to convince my puppet agents to run a
aptitude update when new files apear in the sources.list.d dir?

thanks for your help!

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