
I have a define in which I need to loop through an array. That worked
well, until I needed to loop through a second instance of an array in
another call to that define that just so happens to have the same data
in it. Now I get the following error:

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Duplicate definition: Reprepro::Repo::Dummyloop[lenny] is
already defined in file /etc/puppet/modules/reprepro/manifests/repo.pp
at line 22; cannot redefine at
/etc/puppet/modules/reprepro/manifests/repo.pp:22 on node

Here's a dumbed down version of the define:

# dummy define just to be able to iterate through an array..
define reprepro::repo::dummyloop($distribution) {
  file { 
    ensure => "present"

define reprepro::repo($distribution, $codenames, $origin, $label,
$description, $architectures = 'i386 amd64 source', $suites =
'stable', $components = 'main', $signed = false) {

  include reprepro::params


  reprepro::repo::dummyloop { $codenames:
    distribution => $distribution,
    codename     => $codenames


ideas on how to solve this properly are more then welcome. Puppet 2.6.2

Walter Heck

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