Let's start with this:

class whatever ( $myType='other' ) {
    file { "some-config-file":
        content => $myType ? {
            'this'  => template("whatever/this.erb"),
            'that'  => template("whatever/that.erb"),
            'other' => template("whatever/other.erb"),
            default => template("whatever/default.erb"),

I think I have all the cases covered my the "myType" parameter, but I would 
REALLY like to be able to mix this with the multiple source syntax:

        source => [

into something like this :

        source => [
            content => $myType ? {
                'this'  => template("whatever/this.erb"),
                'that'  => template("whatever/that.erb"),
                'other' => template("whatever/other.erb"),
                default => template("whatever/default.erb"),

So that I can override the type-driven template with a flat file.

I am trying to design flexibility, and I am finding a "conflict of purpose" 
between the source snd content metaparameters.
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the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)

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