On 2012-15-02 24:07, MBroderick@TDS wrote:
We are trying to conditionalize what is required by a resource...

service { "xxx":
     require  =>  $bool-var ? {
        true  =>   [ list1 ],
        false =>  [ list2 ],

is $bool-var really a boolean, or does it contain the text "true" or "false"?

Guess what this prints out...

if "false" { notice("false is true") }

(Also note that hyphens in variable names only work in some versions, and will not be supported going forward. You can change the '-' to '_').

The reason your first example produces undefined is that a string is neither boolean true nor false when comparing.

The second example produces true for the string (with the meaning it is not undefined) - it will always be true unless $boolean-var is undefined.

You can try

$boolean-var == "true" ? { true => ..., false => ...}

- henrik

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