On 2012-19-02 16:24, Alexander Fortin wrote:
On 2/18/12 9:01 PM, Mister IT Guru wrote:
Hi All,

Please forgive me for jumping on this thread, but I'm a bit shocked -
Syntax highlighting for puppet? Sorry for being slow on this one, I have
been cracking my eyes using nano, and basic text editors - It never
crossed my mind to use an IDE!!

Feel free to shame me as you see fit - I think I deserve punishment for
missing a trick here! I've seen two recommendations for OSX users,
Komodo Edit, and Eclipse. I think I'll download them now, I'm open for
other suggestions!

Hi! no shame, you've got to use the tool you feel more comfortable with
;) Each one has pros and cons of course.

One thing I like to point out about Geppetto is that it not only performs "surface" syntax highlighting, it also understands what everything is, and can thus link all variables, types, definitions etc., provide errors and warnings, suggest how to correct them, and then fix them for you if you want. (Plus there is all sorts of IDE goodies like search/replace across files, compare files and structures against local history, and against repository revision, etc. etc.).

In the upcoming 2.2 (in a couple of weeks). there is also support for "open references" and "find references" - i.e. If you wonder what something is referencing (where is $foo::bar::fee::fum defined?) Geppetto opens the file for you. And if you want to find all the references to something Geppetto does that too and gives you a list that you can navigate. IMO both these features are very valuable to helping understand other people's code (including former-you ;-)).

Actually I've been using mostly VIM + VIM-Puppet so far, but given that
recently I've been writing more and more Python code, I feel that an IDE
is more handy, especially for features like "projects", so I double
click on a project name and I get any previously opened file in a tab.

PS still struggling to make Geppetto install PyDev :-/

Suggest posting your troubles to the geppetto google group if you get stuck, or need help. There is also a #geppetto IRC on freenode where you can find me most of the time.

- henrik

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