Hi all, hoping someone may have encountered a problem similar to this 

On my customer's EC2 based infrastructure, we have implemented the 
nodeless, truth driven module outlined by Jordan Sissel here 
It's quite an effective model, especially in the realm of EC2... we still 
have a puppetmaster configuration, and have decided not to go with the 
masterless option, since we'd like to implement a nagios module using the 
storeconfigs approach and exported resources.

Problem is, we're seeing large latency during agent runs, which appears to 
be down to the config retrieval step, so much so that we've needed to 
increase timeouts to avoid our Apache/Mongrel puppetmasterd solution from 
timing out the connection. I've done some basic profiling, using 
--summarize and --evaltrace, which shows that the bottelneck *appears* to 
be happening at the config retrieval level:

(This is on our monitoring server)

   Attachedstorage: 2.00
            Class: 0.00
    Collectd conf: 0.01
   Config retrieval: 85.91
             Cron: 0.00
             Exec: 34.11
             File: 35.56
       Filebucket: 0.00
            Group: 0.26
        Mailalias: 0.17
            Mount: 3.48
   Nagios command: 0.02
   Nagios contact: 0.00
   Nagios contactgroup: 0.00
      Nagios host: 0.02
   Nagios service: 0.12
   Nagios servicegroup: 0.00
          Package: 3.12
        Resources: 0.00
         Schedule: 0.01

This agent run has been done with storeconfigs enabled, but it appears that 
the Nagios resources are being processed fairly quickly; when we disable 
storeconfigs, the config retrieval can be reduced to almost half as long, 
which would suggest db latency. We've got the puppetmaster running on a 
m1.small EC2 instance, which only seems to have a single core - I'm not 
sure if that's perhaps the cause of the bottleneck?

Any suggestions / advice would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!


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