Hi All,

Hope you people are doing good.

I have a manifest file :

lass profile {
# setup profile parms. We dont handle non Ubuntu OS yet
    if ("$operatingsystem" == "Ubuntu") {
        file {
                ensure  => directory,
                purge   => true,
                force   => true,
                recurse => true,
                owner   => root,
                group   => root,
                mode    => 644;
class profile::ulimit inherits profile {
    if ("$operatingsystem" == "Ubuntu") {
        define set_ulimit($limit="null") {
                file {
                        ensure  => file,
                        mode    => 644,
                        owner   => root,
                        group   => root,
                        content => template('profile/ulimit.sh.erb');

        set_ulimit { "ulimit.sh": limit  => "$((2 * 1073741824))"; }
class profile::ulimit::full inherits profile::ulimit {
    if ("$operatingsystem" == "Ubuntu") {
        if defined(Set_ulimit["ulimit.sh"]) {
            Set_ulimit["ulimit.sh"] {
                limit  => "unlimited" #unlimited

when i run puppet parser validate it gives me error :

err: Could not parse for environment production: Classes, definitions,
and nodes may only appear at toplevel or inside other classes;
expected '%s' at
err: Try 'puppet help parser validate' for usage

Best Regards,
Suresh Kumar Prajapati
Operations Engineer | Inmobi India
E-mail: er.sureshprajap...@gmail.com
Mob No: +91-9611708308
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