On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 6:51 AM, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:
>> Yes, I understand the "normal puppet way" of doing things, is to have
>> those conf files inside the puppet tree, but it is more maintainable
>> *for us*, to have all multi-host related stuff, in the single rdist
>> directory tree.
> You could have it both ways by symlinking directories or individual
> files from your rdist tree into the Puppet tree on the master.  Puppet
> should be ok with that.
> Alternatively, it may be that Puppet just isn't going to do what you
> hope without more changes to your existing system than you're willing
> to accept.

It seems to work just great via the trigger solution that someone else
already suggested.
As I said previously, the big problem Im trying to *solve*, is use of symlinks.
After a little testing, it seems that puppet nicely solves this for us

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