I was getting timeouts before as well.  Usually had to do with apache 
MaxClients being reached (running apache/passenger setup) so then increased 
that if the system could handle some more load.  Other times it was from 
too much load on our puppetmasters so needed to increase # of CPU and 
adjust 'PassengerMaxPoolSize' in the apache config.  Finally, we also ran 
into 'open file' limits issues with the number of connections/sockets which 
would cause issues with passenger, so I had to bump that up as well (from 
1024 default to 2048). 

We have ~4500 systems running every 30 minutes.  We use 4 systems with 16 
cores each to support this.  The systems run with a load of around 30% 
right now, so really all we need is probably 2 of these systems ... but we 
want redundancy.

So we have ~9000/hr with this setup.  To give you an idea of run/hr and 


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