On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Chris Price <ch...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> I think it would be worth opening a ticket for this
> ( http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/issues/new ).  The fact
> that you are seeing it with both storeconfigs/mysql and puppetdb/postgres
> leads me to believe that the issue is more likely in puppet core than in
> either of the catalog storage backends.

Thanks Chris.  I'll open a ticket when I can step away from the
firefighting for a moment :-)

In the meantime, just to clarify, I'm seeing this in
storeconfigs/mysql, storeconfigs/postgres
and puppetdb/postgres.  As previously mentioned though, I only see
this with storeconfigs=true
and never with storeconfigs=false.  So maybe it is in puppet core
somewhere, but only in an
area that storeconfigs touches?

> It would also be useful if you could run the puppet master with the
> "--trace" command-line option (and possibly with --debug as well) and
> capture that log file.

OK, will add that log to the ticket.

> It sounds like you are running the master via apache/passenger, correct?

Yes, but I think it's reproducible outside of apache/passenger too,
though it's a bit hard to
tickle there due to Webrick crapping out with a different issue when
relatively lightly loaded.

> A manifest file that could reproduce your setup would be ideal to attach to
> the ticket, but the VM will be very useful if it's not easy to put together
> such a manifest.

That's the thing, this is being triggered on a puppetmaster with *no*
manifests; determined
after originally thinking that one of my manifests was to blame, I got
rid of the lot and could
still trigger it!

> How large is the VM image?  It might be too big to attach
> directly to the ticket, but if you mention it in the ticket we can figure
> out the best way to get the file from you.

It'll be in the order of 1GB I think.  As there's no sensitive details
in that environment though
I think I'll attach puppet.conf, auth.conf and the httpd configs too
so that someone can try
to reproduce.  Hopefully that's enough, otherwise I'll have another
look at getting the
VM uploaded or otherwise made available somehow.



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