On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 7:50 AM, Mark Baxter <mark.bax...@visma.com> wrote:
> HI.
> Firstly, I'm bound to be doing something utterly basically wrong here, so if
> I am I apologise.
> Right now I have a fairly simple setup where the JAR files for a
> Weblogic-based application server are stored in the file server on my Puppet
> Master. I run scripts on the client that downloads the files from the file
> server, puts them in the right place etc etc. All very simple. I am now
> trying to automate the other side, getting the files into the file server.
> I've looked all over the place online and I just can't seem to find any
> answers.

Yeah, unfortunately your situation isn't unique.

> Basically, the JAR files are in a zip file on another server. Right now I
> have to manually download it and place the files in the right place on the
> file server. Instead I'd like Puppet to do this for me.

There's two ways to do this. One deploy in two stages:

1. Write a manifests so the puppet master fetch new jar files to the
modules directory and extract it.

staging::deploy { 'dukesbank.zip':
  source => 'http://buildserver/jar/dukesbank1.0.zip',
  target => '/etc/puppet/modules/dukesbank/files/',

2. Trigger a puppet agent run on the client to fetch new files from
puppet master (i.e. mco).

> The awkward bit is that due to annoying internal office politics this not
> only has to be done by a script being run (puppetd -onetime) but it should
> be run on the client (due to access control for who may have to run the
> scripts) and not on the Puppet Master. So is there any way to, from a
> client, trigger the Puppet Master to download a file to update the files on
> the file server? I realise that what could be done is that the client
> downloads the zip locally, instead of from the file server, but ideally I'd
> like to download only once due to the possibility of changes being made to
> the zip file between downloads.

The second method is you ask development to version the file. You can
use something like puppet-staging to bring files from your build
server directly to the puppet agent:

staging::file { 'dukesbank.jar':
  source => 'http://buildserver/jar/dukesbank1.0.jar',

I was experimenting with hiera lookup with these modules and haven't
had time to get them in a publishable state. There's a bit of
dependencies, but you can take a look and get some ideas:

Since puppet 3.0 will support hiera lookup, I'm planning to remove
heira functions from the staging module and move the repo to
puppetlabs after it gets some review.



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