On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Gary Larizza <g...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> Please DO NOT take this as RTFM, but have you checked out the docs
> that we recommend for the process here -->
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/scaling_multiple_masters.html  If
> you're using them and there are things going wrong, PLEASE let us know
> what steps have fallen through so we can get that cleared up ASAP!  If
> you've not seen the docs, you might want to check the process we
> suggested and see if there's something you did that differs.

I had looked at those instructions.

Variances between what's described there and what I did:

* Configure CA Delegation and Get a Certificate
- I did not delete the /var/lib/puppet/ssl directory on my subordinate
masters before starting.
- I configured my subordinate master's puppet.conf files with the line
"dns_alt_names = ....". As such, I excluded this option from the first
`puppet agent` invocation for each subordinate master.
- when signing the subordinate master's certificates on the CA, I had
to supply the "--allow-dns-alt-names" argument to the `puppet cert`

* Distribute the Agent Load
- I am using a hardware load balancer to spread the load across four
servers (two each in two different data centers).

I am using Passenger for my top-level and subordinate Puppet Masters.
The proper configuration of the /etc/httpd/conf.d/puppet.conf file for
subordinate master SSL configuration is not covered in the document
you linked.


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