On Aug 9, 2012, at 5:42 PM, Tim Mooney <tim.moo...@ndsu.edu>

> In regard to: Re: [Puppet Users] how to resolve hostnames to IP addresses...:
>> if you're using hiera, why not something like:

heh yeah,

okay, so, well, uh... I didn't say it was a GOOD idea ;)

> Thanks for the fully-formed example Wolf.  John's subsequent response
> was spot-on as to why I would like to avoid duplicating the IPs in the
> data structure.  They won't change frequently, but at the same time,
> I really don't want to have to manually duplicate and sync information
> that's stored in our DNS.

I didn't know if they were already being defined somewhere else similarly, and 
thought if there was already a hash defining them in some way, you could just 
tack the ip in and call it a day.

> I do have one follow-on question regarding your example, though.
> Did you choose foo_data_webfarm_http_servers as the "top level" hiera
> name for any particular reason, such as how hiera is going to work in
> puppet 3 with parameterized classes?

I have no real knowledge of how that's going to work; I have been namespacing 
things based on what I felt made things very clear for people looking at the 
hiera values, and the templates.

afaik there's no significant penalty for longish names, but it makes it a bit 
easier for me to ingest when looking through a gaggle of hiera parameters.

> I must admit that while I find hiera fantastic, I've really struggled
> with how our complex data should be organized in hiera.  I'm looking
> forward to the hiera examples that Kelsey Hightower mentioned a couple
> weeks ago on the list, but seeing examples like this in the interim is
> really helpful and appreciated.

for what it's worth, happy to help…

this gave me another idea, however which I'll create a new thread on rather 
than hijack this one

> Tim
>> On Aug 9, 2012, at 3:38 PM, Tim Mooney <tim.moo...@ndsu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Environment: puppet 2.7.14 on both master and all clients.  We're also
>>> using puppetlabs-stdlib and hiera, if that matters.
>>> I know this is really more of a ruby/erb question, but I've been searching
>>> for a couple hours and haven't turned up anything relatively close to what
>>> I'm trying to do, and I'm hoping someone here has had to do this and can
>>> provide a suggestion for how to proceed.
>>> I'm generating a configuration file from a template.  The configuration
>>> file will need to have IP addresses in it, but I would like to be able to
>>> use either hostnames or IP adresses in the puppet config.  This means
>>> that I need to be able to resolve the hostnames and turn them into IP
>>> addresses, probably in the template itself.
>>> Basically, given something like this in puppet:
>>> class foo::data {
>>> $webfarm = {
>>>   http_servers => hiera('webfarm_http_servers', [
>>>     {
>>>       host => 'foo1.example.com',
>>>       port => '80',
>>>        },
>>>     {
>>>       host => 'foo2.example.com',
>>>       port => '80',
>>>        },
>>>     {
>>>       host => 'foo3.example.com',
>>>       port => '80',
>>>        },
>>>   ]),
>>>   https_servers => hiera('webfarm_https_servers', [
>>>     {
>>>       host => 'foo1.example.com',
>>>       port => '443',
>>>        },
>>>     {
>>>       host => 'foo22.example.com',
>>>       port => '443',
>>>        },
>>>     {
>>>       host => 'foo99.example.com',
>>>       port => '443',
>>>        },
>>>   ]),
>>> }
>>> }
>>> I need my template to iterate over the http_servers and https_servers
>>> arrays and resolve the values for the host key for each element.
>>> Anyone have an example of how to do this in a template?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tim
>>> --
>>> Tim Mooney                                             tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
>>> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
>>> Room 242-J6, IACC Building                             701-231-8541 (Fax)
>>> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
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> --
> Tim Mooney                                             tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
> Room 242-J6, IACC Building                             701-231-8541 (Fax)
> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
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