On Friday, October 26, 2012 4:19:25 AM UTC-5, Gavin Williams wrote:
> Morning all
> Not sure on the best place to raise this, so thought I'd start here... 
> I'm starting to work with Puppet and Oracle Linux 6.1. 
> Unfortunately I'm finding a lot of existing modules aren't working with OL 
> 6.1, because they're coded to expect an operatingsystem fact of oel. 
> However at OL 6, the operatingsystem fact is now OracleLinux. 
> Any ideas on where this issue should go?
When Oracle dropped the "Enterprise" from the name of its distribution, 
facter stopped recognizing it.  The fix (submitted by Oracle, if I 
understand correctly) changes the value Facter reports for the 
operatingsystem fact for these versions, probably because the "e" in "oel" 
no longer applies.  This change went into Facter 1.6.1.  See

Atlhough the tickets don't show it, discussion elsewhere indicates that PL 
personnel were aware that the fact change would cause breakage such as you 
report.  I suspect, but cannot confirm, that this was covered in the 
release notes.  Any way around, the bottom line is that the change was 

With that being the case, the issue should be directed to the maintainers 
of affected modules.


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