Afternoon all... 

I've started looking at coding this into our framework now, and have hit a 
possible stumbling block... 

Currently, I've got a fact that reads out the configured Oracle SIDs in 
/etc/oratab and sticks that into an 'oracle_sids' fact. 
I've also got a Property (oracle_required_sids) against the host in Foreman 
which contains a comma separated lists of SIDs that *should* be configured 
on the host. 

What I want to do is compare those 2 lists, and action any changes... So if 
there's a SID in the oracle_required_sids var that isn't in oracle_sids, 
then it should be created. If there's a SID in the oracle_sids var that 
isnt in oracle_required_sids, then it should be removed... 
I've established that Looping isn't something that Puppet currently 
handles, so I'm looking for an alternative method... 

Any ideas??? 


On Wednesday, 24 October 2012 15:03:45 UTC+1, Gavin Williams wrote:
> Afternoon all. 
> I've been reading around on Puppet and Oracle, and have come up with a few 
> links that suggest how to get Oracle installed and base configured, which 
> has got me started in the right direction on that. 
> My next challenge is maintaining Oracle database specific configuration on 
> the relevant hosts. This contains various elements, such as /etc/oratab, 
> /etc/oranfstab (as we're using dNFS), various NFS mounts required for a 
> given database, and a few other bits and pieces... 
> Ideally, it would be a 1-to-1 relationship between a given host and a 
> given DB. However that's unlikely in our env - We're more likely to have 1 
> or multiple databases on a given host, which all need to be maintained. 
> My initial thoughts are to use something like hiera to maintain this 
> configuration data. 
> Is this my best approach? Any other suggestions? Anyone doing this for 
> real? 
> Basically, any info/pointers you give me is greatly appreciated. 
> Regards
> Gavin 

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