
I am new to puppet. I have configured puppet master and agent. 

1. Executed this "*puppetca --sign ip-10-194-18-145.ec2.internal*" command 
in puppet master instance. It returns an output like 
*      notice: Signed certificate request for ip-10-194-18-145.ec2.internal*
*      notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest 
ip-10-194-18-145.ec2.internal at         
*   *Is there any issue with this error ?
2. Created one site.pp file in *puppet master /etc/puppet/manifests* folder 
with below content.
    node 'client' {
        file { "/root/files/test":
                source => "puppet:///files/test"
3 Added below content in *puppet master /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf*
               path /etc/puppet/files
               allow *.puppet.com
               allow *.internal
4 When I am trying to execute command "*puppet apply site.pp*" in manifests 
folder, I am getting an error message like below.
      *Could not find default node or by name with 
'ip-10-195-207-236.ec2.internal, ip-10-195-207-236.ec2, ip-10-195-207-236' 
on node ip-10-195-207-236.ec2.internal*

I am trying to resolve this issue such a long time.Can any one help me to 
resolve this issue as early possible?,

Thanks in advance. 

With Regards,
Krishna Bhaskar.

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