I created a firewall module. In firewall/manifests/init.pp i have the

class firewall {

  ## Always persist firewall rules
  exec { 'persist-firewall':
    command  => '/sbin/iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables',
    refreshonly => true,

  ## These defaults ensure that the persistence command is executed after
  ## every change to the firewall, and that pre & post classes are run in
  ## right order to avoid potentially locking you out of your box during the
  ## first puppet run.
  Firewall {
    notify  => Exec['persist-firewall'],
    before  => Class['firewall::post'],
    require => Class['firewall::pre'],
  Firewallchain {
    notify  => Exec['persist-firewall'],

  ## Purge unmanaged firewall resources
  ## This will clear any existing rules, and make sure that only rules
  ## defined in puppet exist on the machine
  resources { 'firewall': purge => true }

  ## include the pre and post modules
  include firewall::pre
  include firewall::post

Then you just "include firewall"

Shawn Foley

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Louis Coilliot <louis.coill...@think.fr>wrote:

> Hello,
> I can't figure out how I can use the module puppetlabs-firewall only
> for some targeted nodes.
> If I put :
> resources { "firewall": purge => true }
> in top scope (i.e. site.pp),
> then all the firewall rules on all my nodes are purged. Even for nodes
> for which I don't apply any module containing specific firewall { ...
> } resources.
> If I put it in a module (i.e. myfw ),  then for all nodes where I
> apply a module containing firewall resources, I got a mix of the
> previous rules (defined locally with the OS) and the new ones provided
> with puppet.
> Did I miss something or is it the expected behaviour ?
> If this is expected, is there a workaround to apply the purge of the
> rules only for some nodes where I want to apply specific firewall
> rules through modules and puppet-firewall ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Louis Coilliot
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