I've been working on getting spec tests on all of my modules and am down to 
ones that use hiera and don't have any reasonable defaults.  It looks like 
there is a project on GH (https://github.com/amfranz/rspec-hiera-puppet) that 
is designed to fill this need, but for the life of me I cannot make it work.  
FriedBob helped out on the IRC channel some with his solution of including a 
patch to puppetlabs_spec_helper that was pulled pending further discussion 

I've attempted to make a working example using both the basic and advanced 
methods of rspec-hiera-puppet (I can live with either one) but cannot get them 
to work.  Does anyone have any experience with this they can lend me a hand?  
This doesn't seem like it should be this hard - I have to be missing something 



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