Make sure that puppet-dashboard-workers service is running, otherwise all 
hosts will appear unresponsive and your pending tasks will keep increasing.

On Thursday, November 8, 2012 5:51:36 AM UTC-8, Karim wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have a strange situation. I've got 1 dashboard MySQL DB accessed from 3 
> different dashboard hosts. Strangely enough, 2 of them show the right node 
> statuses, and the third one just shows all nodes as unresponsive.
> As far as I know, the status comes from the "nodes" table in the DB, so 
> how can this happen? Is there some cache I need to clear? Is there another 
> source for this information?
> Dashboard version is 1.2.5.
> Thanks!
> Karim

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