It's just normal subscript notation.


Just as a note, ntpd has an option, -g I believe, that's used to set the 
time and start the service all at once. I think it's a little preferred 
over ntpdate these days. Not sure what flavor of linux you're running, but 
on centos, that flag is default when run through he init script. It would 
probably be cleaner for you if you could use that flag and then just a 
service resource subscribed to the conf file.

On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 6:01:44 AM UTC-7, Willem Bos wrote:
> Hi all,
> How do I reference the first member in the $ntpd_servers array in the code 
> below. Any pointers to the official Puppet (or Ruby?) documentation would 
> be much appreciated.
> class ntp {
>   $ntpd_servers = [ "", "", "
>" ]
>   exec { "set_clock":  
>     subscribe   => File["/etc/ntp.conf"],  
>     command     => "/sbin/service ntpd stop && /sbin/ntpdate 
> <FIRST_MEMBER_OF_ARRAY> && /sbin/service ntpd start",  
>     refreshonly => true;  
>   }  
> }
> Regards,
> Willem.

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