To diagnose this you'll want to get a full stack trace. Since the error is
on the master you run the master with --trace and then find the stack trace
in the log.

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Greg Chavez <> wrote:

> I upgrade our infrastructure (mostly RHEL5, some RHEL6) from 3.1 to
> puppet-3.2.1-1.el5.  Ruby sits at ruby-  I ran some
> tests and everything seemed good so I pushed it out.
> Since then, all my puppet clients are failing with this:
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
> SERVER: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass at
> /etc/puppet/modules/site/manifests/init.pp:7 on node
> Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
> Googling shows that this is a common error that crops up for any
> number of reasons.  I wonder what my reason is in this case.  I use
> Cobbler as my ENC, so I have no node statements.  Since I'm not using
> hiera yet, my site/init.pp looks like this:
> class site {
>   if $::operatingsystem == "RedHat" {
>       include puppet
>       include ypbind
>       include sudo
>       if $::ipaddress =~ /^192\.168\./ {
>           Class["puppet"] -> Class["ypbind"] -> Class["sudo"]
>       } else {
>           include snmp
>           Class["puppet"] -> Class["snmp"] -> Class["ypbind"] ->
> Class["sudo"]
>       }
>       if $::hostname =~ /[dqcpu]$/ {
>           include yum
>           include java
>       }
>       # Fixes for mayhem caused by Dell & Puppet repos
>       package {"dell-omsa-repository": ensure => absent }
>       file {"/etc/yum.repos.d/dell-omsa-repository.repo": ensure => absent
> }
>       file {"/etc/yum.repos.d/puppet-delete-me.repo": ensure => absent}
>       notify {"ENV == ${environment}":}
>       package { "koan":
>         ensure => latest,
>       }
>       # artifact of setting the OOB IP in Cobbler
>       file { "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-oob":
>         ensure => absent;
>       }
>   } elsif $::operatingsystem == "Ubuntu" {
>       notify {"Howdies! I am running Ubuntu!": }
>       include ntp
>       include puppet
>       Class['ntp'] -> Class['puppet']
>   }
> }
> Line 7 is "include sudo".  This is a modified version of saz-sudo-2.0.2.
> Any ideas?  Thanks.
> --
> \*..+.-
> --Greg Chavez
> +//..;};
> --
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