> > You might find it convenient and logical to structure it as one
> > large, complex, nested value, from which the individual
> > components would select the pieces they need.  For example, a
> > hash with VM hostnames as keys, and hashes of VM names to VM
> > parameter hashes as values (i.e. a trebly-nested hash).
> > Alternatively, there are ways you could spread out the data over
> > multiple Hiera keys, but the overall logical structure is going
> > to be similar.
> *nodnod*  OK, that seems sane, thanks.

Thanks again for the push there; it really helped.

FWIW, what I've got is actually a hybrid, combining a structured
giant hiera data tree with hierarchical class overrides; this seems
useful so I'll show y'all.

Here's a snippet of the hosts structure, which lives in hosts.yaml:

- ----------------

        # type, environment, and site are all used to *find* what we
        # inherit from in hiera, and hence cannot themselves be inherited,
        # or at least not in a reasonable fashion
        fqdn: dev01.[snip]
        type: cytoweb
        type_version: 3
        environment: dev
        site: dev01
        ipv6: false
        ipv4: true
        ipv4_ip: [snip]
        openvzid: 6222
        openvzhost: ds518
        # type, environment, and site are all used to *find* what we
        # inherit from in hiera, and hence cannot themselves be inherited,
        # or at least not in a reasonable fashion
        fqdn: qa01.[snip]
        type: cytoweb
        type_version: 2
        environment: qa
        site: qa01
        ipv6: false
        ipv4: true
        ipv4_ip: [snip]
        openvzid: 8589
        openvzhost: ds988

- ----------------

Here's the relevant bit of site.pp; *all* other puppet decisions are
hiera driven:

- -------------

$hosts = hiera_hash('hosts')
$host_type = $hosts[$fqdn]['type']
$host_type_version = $hosts[$fqdn]['type_version']

# Make sure our type can be loaded
$type_test = hiera('type_loaded')
notify{ "sphtf": message => "site.pp: host type file: 
hiera/types/${::host_type}_v$host_type_version" }

$host_environment = $hosts[$fqdn]['environment']
$host_site = $hosts[$fqdn]['site']

node default {
  notify{ "spht": message => "site.pp: host type: $::host_type" }
  notify{ "sphtv": message => "site.pp: host type version: 
$::host_type_version" }


- -------------

So we grab some specific bits out of the host structure for the
current host, but then, and this is the fun part, we *turn them back
into hiera selectors*; this is my hiera.yaml:

- -------------

  - yaml
  :datadir: /opt/puppet3/etc/hiera
  - node/%{::fqdn}
  - types/%{::host_type}_v%{::host_type_version}
  - site/%{::host_site}
  - environments/%{::host_environment}
  - os/%{::operatingsystem}
  - osfamily/%{::osfamily}
  - hosts
  - sites
  - users
  - common
# options are native, deep, deeper
:merge_behavior: deeper

- -------------

So this means that qa01.[snip] can have behaviour driven by
information in the global hosts structure, which can be accessed by
everybody for global things like generating an /etc/hosts file,
*and* it can have hiera/node/qa01.[snip] , which can have class
overrides like:

sudo::dev_sudo: true

or whatever.

Note in addition that with "deeper" merging setup, if you use
hiera_hash as I've done, you can actually override bits of the

We don't use this for the hosts structure, but we *do* use it for

  create_resources( users::user, hiera_hash('users::users') )

is how that structure gets used, and individual hosts can have
things like:

        ensure: present
        until: 'Mon Jun 24 12:59:12 PDT 2013'
        ensure: present
        until: 'Mon Jun 24 12:59:12 PDT 2013'

in their node/hostname.[snip] files, which will override those parts
of the users::user structure, in which those users default to
"enable: false".  users::user, like hosts, is a big giant nested

Hopefully this all is of use to someone.


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