Hi Everybody,

   So I have design a puppet module that will create a symlink under a 
given directory, and here's the module and a hiera, and fact data:

Hiera data
    confluence_lib_path: /usr/local/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/lib

A custom fact that will return 

mysql_jdbc_connector_path => /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-5.1.17.jar
mysql_jdbc_name => mysql-connector-java-5.1.17.jar

Here the puppet manifest that suppose to create a symlink under *

# confluence_setup::lic is a module that performs an automaatic
# confluence license installation
class confluence_setup::lic(
  $lic_info = 'UNDEF',
) {

  # fail if $lic_info is unset
  if $lic_info == 'UNDEF' {
    fail( '$lic_info is not set' )

  # fail if $lic_info is not a hash
  if ! is_hash( $lic_info ) {
    fail( '$lic_info has to be a hash' )

  $license_key         = $lic_info['license_key']
  $confluence_lib_path = $lic_info['confluence_lib_path']

  # create a symlink points to mysql_jdbc_connector
*  file { "${::mysql_jdbc_connector_path}":
    ensure => link,
    target => "${confluence_lib_path}/${::mysql_jdbc_name}",

Yet, when ran with this command,

*puppet apply -e 'include confluence_setup::lic' --modulepath 
--environment dev --hiera_config 

Nothing was happened!!  Anybody has any idea why?


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