On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 12:29:51 PM UTC-5, Chuck Bredestege wrote:
> I'm trying to create a ssh class where the /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts and 
> /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv stays updated.  The issue i'm finding is that if I 
> include a "tag == anything" in the Collector filter, it collects all 
> resources EXCEPT it's own.  In this case, the known_hosts and .equiv files 
> will have all the other hostnames, but not it's own hostname.  If I remove 
> the "tag ==" line it works as expected.  I tested this with a common tag 
> "ssh" which I verified is in puppetdb on both exports.
> [root@csep0501 ssh]# rpm -qa | grep puppet
> puppet-3.2.3-1.el5
> (where $dsitename is the lowercase version of a global fact)
>     @@sshkey{ "${::fqdn}-ssh-pubkey" :
>         tag          => $dsitename,
>         ensure       => present,
>         host_aliases => [ $::hostname ],
>         key          => $::sshrsakey,
>         name         => $::fqdn,
>         type         => 'ssh-rsa',
>     }
>     @@file_line{ "${::fqdn}-shosts.equiv" :
>         tag     => $dsitename,
>         path    => "/etc/ssh/shosts.equiv",
>         ensure  => present,
>         line    => "+${::fqdn}",
>     }
>     notify { 'testmessage' :
>         message => "Downcased sitename is $dsitename",
>     }
>     Sshkey <<| tag == 'ssh' and tag == $dsitename |>> {
>         require => File['/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts'],
>     }
>     File_line <<| tag == 'ssh' and tag == $dsitename and path == 
> "/etc/ssh/shosts.equiv" |>>  {
>         require => File['/etc/ssh/shosts.equiv'],
>     }
Why do you need parameter overrides for 'require'?  Does it not work to 
declare those directly in the original resource declarations?

Anyway, this looks similar to http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/11049.  
Can you work around it by explicitly collecting the node's own resources?  
For example, add

Sshkey <<| title == "${::fqdn}-ssh-pubkey" |>>
File_line <<| title == "${::fqdn}-shosts.equiv" |>>

(with the 'require' override too, if that turns out to be necessary).


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