
this is in fact not the right approach.

Facts are evaluated on the agent side, while hiera typically belongs to
the master side only.

If you want to use $clustername instead of hiera("clustername"), just
add this to the global scope of your manifest:

$clustername = hiera("clustername")


On 12/06/2013 02:09 PM, leed wrote:
> Hello all
> So is it possible to use hiera data in a custom facts? I'm probably
> going about this all wrong, but I was hoping something like this would work.
> Facter.add("cluster_name") do
>   setcode do
>    hiera('clustername')
>   end
> end
> But I get a lot of
> Could not retrieve cluster_name: undefined method `hiera' for
> :Facter::Util::Resolution
> The fact that googling for this returns nothing is whats making me
> worried I'm going about it all wrong.
> Just want to be able to have a custom fact that returns the cluster_name
> for a host if its set in its hiera data.
> Cheers
> Lee

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