> > http://christian.hofstaedtler.name/blog/2008/11/puppet-managing-directories-recursively.html

I thought I had understood recursive directory management.  It worked
fine until I switched to puppet v3 (Debian 3.3.2-1puppetla to be exact)
Since then, files in subdirs aren't copied anymore.

An example:
  File {
    owner => "nagios",
    group => "nagios",
    mode  => '0644',
  file { '/var/lib/nagios':
        ensure    => directory,
    source    => 'puppet:///modules/nagios/var_lib_nagios',
        recurse   => true,
  file { '/var/lib/nagios/plugins':
        ensure    => directory,
        recurse   => true,
        mode      => '0775',
  file { '/var/lib/nagios/bin':
        ensure    => directory,
        recurse   => true,
        mode      => '0775',

 lama:~/.../puppet/modules/nagios> ls -la files/var_lib_nagios
 total 8
 drwxrwxr-x 2 andy users 4096 2013-11-15 15:56:23 bin/
 drwxrwxr-x 2 andy users 4096 2013-11-25 12:01:14 plugins/

Why aren't these directories copied to /var/lib/nagios?
I tried setting recurselimit to '2' but that didn't help either.

Thanks for any hint!

 A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.  (Alfred 

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