On 01/17/2014 07:30 PM, Nathan Valentine wrote:
Hey, David.

I'm a trainer for Puppet Labs and just finished teaching my bazillionth Fundamentals class yesterday. ;)

The class is appropriate for those with at least a little bit of Ops or Dev experience and it helps greatly if you are at least minimally comfortable with VMWare/Virtualbox and things like SSH and Unix-y text editors (vi or nano). That said of my my most impressive students was an MBA and had been out of pure tech for 5 or 6 years. The classes assume no previous Puppet experience but scripting experience certainly won't hurt you.

The class covers Puppet agent + master workflow, some basic version control, Puppet modules, Defines, Parameterized Classes, Hiera and a few other bits specific to Puppet Enterprise. I've had students who have been doing Puppet for a couple of years come to the Fundamentals class and say afterwards they were surprised how much they learned. One particular student who expressed that view was maintaining a Puppet codebase of nearly 10k lines and thought he had seen it all before coming to class.

will warn you that most people how decide to skip Fundamentals and go straight to Advanced often regret it. It is quite a step up.

I can confirm this. I gave an advanced training recently to some people skipping the fundamentals. And they were missing some stuff we teach in the fundamentals on which advanced is building upon.

Not a general rule, but ... even experienced puppet people are positive about the fundamentals, because the still learn a lot.

And even I still learn while teaching those courses. Puppetlabs put a lot of effort in them to keep them accurate and up to date.

You might want to check the training schedule on our site. I think we list "Puppet Introduction" classes there. They are a one-day very accelerated and stripped down version of the Fundamentals class. They are almost always taught at industry conferences as opposed to a public training center. Sitting through one of those would give you a very good idea what to expect in Fundamentals.

Feel free to email my offlist if you have other questions.

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:35 AM, David Taylor <david.a.tay...@gmail.com <mailto:david.a.tay...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    I've been playing around with Puppet with a view to implementing
    it at my workplace. I've already run through the "Learning Puppet"
    tutorial on docs.puppetlabs.com <http://docs.puppetlabs.com> and
    the quizzes in the Puppet Learn Library, and now I'm looking into
    more formal training to try and get everything nailed down in my
    head and to get an idea of best practices for module design,
    environments etc. I was wondering if anyone could advise on
    whether the Puppet Fundamentals course is the right course to go
    for, or is it aimed at the complete Puppet novice - i.e. will I
    find that it just retreads things I already know?


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Nathan Valentine, Puppet Labs Professional Services
Have you seen : http://ask.puppetlabs.com , http://puppetlabs.com/learn ?

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Johan De Wit

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