I have the exec resource defined as follows, to be able to install tcserver 
using a command line, inside of my init.pp. For some reason, it is not able 
to execute the install command, when I run puppet agent -t on the agent

 exec { "tomcat-conf":
                path => 
                cwd => "/opt/vmware/vfabric-tc-server-standard",
                command => " '. /etc/profile.d/vimo_envs.sh' 
/opt/vmware/vfabric-tc-server-standard/tcruntime-instance.sh create 
--java-home=/opt/apps/stage/Java/jdk1.6.0_45 tcserver_app",
                timeout => 0,
                logoutput => 'true',
                subscribe => File["/etc/profile.d/vimo_envs.sh"],
                refreshonly => true,


JAVA_HOME=/opt/apps/stage/Java/jdk1.6.0_45 is provided by 
/etc/profile.d/vimo_envs.sh, and required at the time of creating tc server 

When I invoke puppet agent, it is able to create an empty directory 
/opt/apps/stage/tcserver/mshix-stg. But nothing else. 
There are no sub-directories containing the conf/ bin/ . I don't get a 
complete configuration

I can run the tcruntime-instance.sh from command line successfully but not 
from within puppet.
Any suggestions ? thanks

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