On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 7:21:30 AM UTC-6, kashif wrote:
> I have written a small custom function to replace '.' to '_' of all 
> element of an array and return an converted array.
> module Puppet::Parser::Functions
>   newfunction(:convert_vo, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-'ENDOFDOC'
>  This function takes an array of vo and replace '.' with '_' and return an 
> converted array
>   ) do |arguments|
>     require 'rubygems'
>     vo_list = arguments.clone
>     unless vo_list.is_a?(Array)
>       raise(Puppet::ParseError, 'convert_vo requires an array')
>     end
>     converted_vo = Array.new()
>     vo_list.each do |vo|
>       converted_vo.push(vo.gsub(/\./, '_'))
>     end
>     return converted_vo
>   end
> end
> I am calling it like this from init.p
> $vo = ['dteam', 'vo.southgrid.ac.uk']
> $converted_vo = convert_vo($vo)
> Puppet run on client machine fails with this error
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
> private method `gsub' called for ["dteam", "vo.southgrid.ac.uk"]:Array at 
> /etc/puppet/modules/voms_client/manifests/init.pp
> I ran this script on client and server machines seperately and it worked 
> perfectly. I am not sure that what I am missing?

I'm not sure what you mean by "I ran this script", but your function is 
buggy.  The error message tells you exactly what the problem is: you are 
trying to invoke a method named 'gsub' on an object of type Array (which 
has no such method). 

The function seems to be getting its nesting levels wrong.  The 'arguments' 
object passed into it is an array of the arguments to the function.  You 
call it with one argument, itself an array.  In your particular case, the 
value of 'arguments' seen by the function is [ [ 'dteam', 
'vo.southgrid.ac.uk' ] ].  The function assumes that each element of 
'arguments' supports a gsub() method, but that is not the case.

Among your alternatives are

   - don't wrap the function arguments in an array
   - make the function recognize array arguments and handle them 


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